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A "Fighting Shape" Game Changer... Burpees and Heavy Bag

You can combine Burpee's with just about any activity and turn it into a unbelievably great anaerobic workout. Burpee's can get your heart rate up very fast very quickly, and combining it with just about anything makes that "anything" exponentially harder. We use Burpee's a lot at The Pit, the main reason I use it with the heavy bag is because when I make my students do the Burpee's first, it taxes their anaerobic metabolism, therefore simulating the exhaustion you will feel in a fight. A lot of my workouts are structured so that the martial arts student's cardiovascular system is taxed, best simulating a real fight, without actually taking the physical damage, and wear and tear that you would if you actually did live sparring. Burpee's and bag work alright excellent all around work out for any martial artist at any level, because when you push yourself on the Burpee's, then attack the bag visualizing a real fight, it helps to ingrain the proper technique and power into your muscle memory. Depending on the workout and the level of your students you can change the time of the Burpee's, and/or the bag work.  You could do 30 seconds of Burpee's, and 30 seconds of bag, for five rounds, then give them a one minute rest, and repeat for a another five rounds, but to be honest the time variations on both the Burpee's, and bag could have an endless variation.  The most common one I use is 30 seconds of Burpee's, and 30 seconds of hard intense bag work for seven rounds... But you can try anything you want, but make sure your students do not rest when they're on the bag, make sure they are working the bags very hard, and if you do that you will realize after five rounds, no matter how good your students condition is they will become very fatigued. Have fun with this one guys, and please comment on how you like it, and if you have any ideas on how we can make this better...


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