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Anaerobic versus aerobic, which is better for a martial artist

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2024

Anaerobic versus aerobic, sprint versus jog, without oxygen versus with oxygen, lactic acid versus carbon dioxide.  During the cardio craze, everybody was jogging a lot, the experts said you should train at least 20 minutes of continuous "cardio" for it to be effective. What do you think would be more effective 20 minutes of straight cardio, like jogging for a couple of miles,or sprinting 100 m, then jogging or walking 100 m, then repeating for 20 minutes. Which one do you think would be more effective for a martial artist?  If you did the first choice, you would jog, had a nice easy pace where you can feel like you're working out, but still able to talk to the person next to you. The sprinting version would be you can't talk at all while you're sprinting, you're trying too hard to breathe. 


Some martial artists, including boxers, and Kickboxers, who fight professionally often run, 5 miles or more regularly because they feel that is the best way to get their cardio workout. While I definitely believe aerobic cardio has many benefits, including weight loss, which is very important for some fighters who are training for a fight, or martial artist who want to slim down. The problem is a lot of martial artist spend a disproportionate amount of time on their cardio, most of them even do it separately from their martial arts training. I feel like that is not sustainable, for many martial artists, even most lower-level fighters not only have to run a household, have to have a 9 to 5 job to support their family. Time commitment is a very big con that I have for aerobic workouts. 


Aerobic and anaerobic are both considered “Cardio”.  Since cardio refers to cardiac, which is the heart, because both sprinting and jogging are both beneficial for the heart. They are both very different in the mechanisms in which they work the cardiovascular system, and particularly when it comes to a martial artist reason for building this system, they should be both used, but it should be very Clear Why and when you should use and push your anaerobic pathway, and when is the right time to use your aerobic pathways. A good rule of thumb is if you only do aerobic when you do need anaerobic, it won't be there, because you must work and push your anaerobic pathways for them to Develop, however, if you only use your anaerobic pathway, short of being a marathon runner, you will always have access to your aerobic system. Another thing to take into consideration is in a martial arts, contest, or a Street attack, and that's at the end of the day, why everyone is really training, you could do without aerobic, but you actually need to push your anaerobic, because the anaerobic will help you win a fight, not the aerobic.


Most anaerobic exercises or workouts are much shorter than their oxygenated counterparts. Most "sprint" workouts are usually between 10 to 20 seconds with short rests in between. The Tabata workout which is 20 seconds on 10 seconds off times 8  repetitions, that's only a four-minute workout, however, if done correctly, it has been proven that it is every bit effective for cardiovascular fitness as a 5K jog would be, and that would take about 30 minutes.  Again, I am not saying that slower paste and longer aerobic-type workouts don't have a place in a martial arts, training repertoire, I just feel like for the reasons, a martial, artist trains, whether that be the street or the Cage, I feel there should be more time and energy focused on effective and realistic, high intensity, training, workouts where they include short births of 100% sprints whether that be 100-yard run, 15 seconds of all out work on an airdyne bike, rower, or anything else that will get your heart rate up above the 90 percentile. I think it is more effective and efficient for martial artist, because most fights they will get into whether that be the Street or the Cage are going to bring the heart rate very high, very fast, and if they don't train for that their anaerobic metabolic pathway will not be efficient, and they will be full of lactic acid buildup, and they'll be on all fours huffing and puffing.  So basically an occasional hike or 5K jog is a great weekend activity, but the majority of your cardio as martial artists should be anaerobic. Now go sprint.


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