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Bushido Is Alive And Well In The UFC

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2020

Aloha, Pit Ohana

Bushido is the code of conduct that all martial artists are expected to live by.  It involves honesty, respect, confidence, kindness, gratitude, and generosity. Not all martial artists have all the traits, but they are common for us to strive for. Bushido was created by Samurai Warriors centuries ago.  And to be honest, most modern American men don't follow any of these tenants, but we as martial artists strive to carry-on in the footsteps of the Warriors. Bushido is very important to alpha men like law-enforcement, first responders, martial artists, and the military.  Watching such tough, brave, strong warriors publicly show their kindness, respect, caring, and sensitive side makes me very proud and honored to be a part of this group... 

Thank you, Pit Master

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