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Concrete is much deadlier than any fist


In a street attack, the most deadly weapon you have to defend against is the concrete. The ground, the asphalt are all harder than anybody's fist, and if you don't believe me, try to go outside punch the concrete, and then see if it will crack before your fist does (Actually don't really do that, I was just trying to make a point, I could see somebody doing it and then I'll be in court.).

Learning how to fall correctly is a very important skill in martial arts, whether for the street or for sport. Falling incorrectly will increase your chance of getting everything from a broken arm, injured neck, or even a severe and even deadly head injury. The majority of head injury fatalities in street attacks are caused because someone hits the ground with their head, not as much with a fist. A lot of times a good takedown or slam will not only end the fight, but it could also end the victim's life. So blocking, head movement and parry are very effective defensive moves in martial arts, but please do not neglect to learn how to fall correctly.

Include falls and rolls and all of your workouts, it could be part of your warm-up or cool-down. Please take this skill very seriously, because falling correctly could mean the difference between life or death.




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