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Escalate vs DE-Escalate

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2020
In a perfect world, there would never be a conflict between humans.  And even in a near-perfect world and potential conflict between humans would be “Deescalated”... unfortunately the world we live in is far from perfect, and even far from near perfect, so there is a lot of conflicts. So knowing that there is a lot of violent conflicts between humans and that many times it will and cannot be stopped by any type of de-escalation, that means that we must become proficient at “escalation”.  Most people do not want to hear this and cringe at the fact that I am actually saying to escalate a violent situation. First off, disclaimer, you should never start a confrontation, you should never fight over a challenge, your ego, jealousy, possessions (most), but if you truly feel your life or limb are in imminent danger then you need to escalate the situation first to give yourself the upper hand. Letting your attacker strike first means that you are putting yourself at a very big disadvantage.  
Some people think that saying never to start a fight, but always strike first is a contradiction in terms, however, it is not. You should never start the conflict, however, if the conflict is thrust upon you, then you need to escalate your attack to stop the threat.  That may be a bitter pill to swallow for some people, however, it is better to air on the side of getting home safely to your family, and if that means sticking first. Strike first.
The best way to stay safe in our crazy world today is without a doubt to train in Martial arts. Visualize violent situations, and train to overcome them.  The best way to overcome a final situation that is thrust upon you is to avoid it at any possibility if possible, deescalate if that is a viable option, but if necessary, escalate your response to physically STOPING THE THREAT.

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