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Fighting, Both Orthodox, And Southpaw, 7 Pros, And 1 Big Con

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2024

 It seems like a no-brainer, of course you'd wanna have twice as many weapons, twice as many opportunities to attack, twice as many different looks to give your opponent, why would anyone dispute the fact that all fighters should be equally skilled no matter which leg is forward? if someone is brutalizing your front leg with leg kicks, of course, you should be quick to switch legs. It seems like a no-brainer, wouldn't she be twice as good if you're equally effective with either foot forward? Shouldn't every fighter be able to switch stance and fight just as well?  Is it laziness that not all fighters can change their stance and still be just as effective?

 Fighting, Both Orthodox, And Southpaw, 7 Pros, And 1 Big Con

I can't think of seven reasons that it could be important to be able to attack from your non-dominant attacking side. I don't really think you should be equally adept at both sides.  I don't think it is a huge advantage to be an ambidextrous fighter. I do however think there is a time when you should have one specific leg in front, even if it's not your dominant. Here are my seven reasons to switch Dance now remember when I say switch stance, I don't mean you have to be equally skilled at both, or that you should switch back-and-forth and spend an equal time as an orthodox fighter and as a Southpaw. But here are mice seven reasons to be able to attack from your opposite side.


  1. You're right leg should always be in the front if you wanna throw a liver kick
  2. Your left leg should be in the front when you're throwing a liver punch.
  3. If you strike, orthodox, but take down Southpaw, that's the time to switch.
  4. Switching to sweep, the front leg is effective.
  5. If you're fight, orientation is the same as your opponents, switching to throw a head kick is effective.
  6. Varying your leg, kick attack can be a reason to switch back-and-forth.
  7. If you have an injury.


Those were my seven reasons to switch stances during a fight. And here is my number one Kahan for being equally skilled, and spending an equal amount of time training, fighting with both orientations.


  1. Time.


Training to be a skilled martial artist is it very difficult endeavor. Learning how to punch, kick, knee, elbow, takedown, take down the fence, footwork, head movement, feints, parry, block, Check. The list goes on and it goes on exponentially, if you're doing it in real time against someone who's doing it back at you. Trying to develop all of the skills with one specific orientation takes most people their entire life, but imagine having to do it twice as good, twice as long, twice as much work.  How many pictures can switch hands it would definitely be effective against certain batters. How many quarterbacks in football can throw equally well with each hand? How many Artists spend their life perfecting their art, that can do it equally well with either hand?


So basically, when you spend the majority of your time developing skills. Whether you want to be the best pitcher, quarterback, tennis player, or martial artist in the world it takes so much hard work, time and dedication to make it to the highest level of each of these professions, How many of them can get the same degree of proficiency and expertise if they had to do it equally well with either side? Think of the best picture in the world, do you think he would be as good as he is, if he had to practice with both hands every time? in most cases, it would take twice as much time and energy from day one. I started training in 1970, I spent so much time practicing and training, I can't imagine if I put in the same energy and effort on the opposite side. With the opposite foot and hand forward. While it is possible, it seems very improbable.  And, like I said to be equally adept at both sides, you not have to spend twice as much time training, you would've had to do that from the beginning, or one side would always be better than the other.


While I talked about some other activities, let's focus on martial arts for a second. Switching while hitting the bag, or shadowboxing is one thing, but unless you are equally skilled and proficient at both sides, switching to the side, that is not as proficient in the heat of battle During a UFC title fight, or even worse, a street fight life ending, or title ending.

Unless you have started from the very beginning of your martial arts training, both sides completely equally and have trained an equal amount of the time for your entire time training as a martial artist. You will never be equal on both sides, or you will be half as good on your dominant side. Either way I truly believe it is better as a martial artist to pick one side from the beginning and focus on that one side. switching stance for specific reasons throughout a fight is often a very good strategy, however, I don't feel anyone is as good equally on both sides, and when your life is on the line, you always want to be on your good side. Thanks.


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