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Is it worth dying for?

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2024

 What would you do if you were with your wife in a bar and some guy walked by and grabbed her ass? I be willing to bet that at least 99% of all  American males would instantly profess that they would go after the guy and beat him up. That survey is a little inaccurate, because while 99% of all males in America would say they would go after the guy and beat them up, in reality probably only about 45% of the husbands would be tough enough to actually go after someone who grabbed their wife's butt and beat the shit out of them. Don't forget, I'm saying, tough not smart.  And the 55% of the cowardly men who would be too scared to go defend their woman's honor. They are the beta males, and they're in a whole different bracket so when I'm talking about statistics and men, I'm talking about the alphas out there, the martial artists. 


Now that I have my audience figured out, please know that I am not judging the men that said they would go after that person who grabbed your wife's butt and beat the shit out of him, or got they shit beaten out of themselves. let me tell you why this is such a no-win situation, and in protecting your ego, you could ruin your entire life and the life of your family. First of all, to be honest in a perfect world, I think it should be perfectly legal to beat the living shit out of a guy who grabs your woman's butt and walks away. I'll even go as far as to say I think it should be legal to at least slap someone in the face who shows you disrespect, but that's my hangup not yours, I'm already in therapy for that. No matter what my personal feelings about your right to beat someone for grabbing your wife's butt, it's still illegal in the eyes of the law. The only way that it would be legal for you to defend your wife's honor, is if someone is, or about to physically harm your wife. And when I say "is about to physically harm your wife”, I mean, write that exact second, not next week. As in any self-defense situation, you have to prove that you as a reasonable person felt you were an imminent danger of death or great bodily injury. Unfortunately, you can't just say he hurt my feelings, or he was out of line, or he grabbed my wife's butt five minutes ago.


Let's play it out. Scenario number one: you're sitting in the bar with your wife somebody walks by grabs her butt and quickly walks away.  You get up immediately push the crowd away and follow the ass grabber. After a couple minutes of following him, you catch him you yell at him and then you punch him in the face, in your mind, you just saved your wife's honor. Unfortunately, the guy you just punch in the face fell backwards, hit his head on the concrete, now he's dead. You find out he was a 20 year-old college student who is at a bachelor party, he had been drinking a lot that night, never been in trouble in his life, and wanted to be a pediatrician, he's now  dead because he grabbed your wife's butt.  His family had spent everything to send him to medical school,, now he's dead. The family is suing you for $20 million. And since you nor your wife were in any danger of great physical harm, legally, self-defense did not apply, but murder did. You're now going to be in prison for the next 18 years. Beautiful wife, that you wanted to protect so much raise and support your children and herself. She loses the house because she can't afford the mortgage, you have to pull your other son out of college because she can't afford it. And to make matters worse, two days after you started your prison term, Your wife started on affair with your next-door neighbor, she ends up filing for divorce, and now the neighbor is raising your kids, and bopping your wife.  That was scenario number one.

Scenario number two: you're sitting in the bar with your wife somebody walks by grabs her butt and quickly walks away. You get up immediately push the crowd away and follow the ass grabber. After a couple minutes of following him, you catch up to him, you  punch him in the face, he takes a step back, and he shoots you three times. One bullet goes through your trachea, the second bullet enters forehead, the last bullet is your chest, you're pronounced dead by the paramedics at the scene. It goes to trial pretty quickly, he is found innocent, because all the witnesses in the bar saw you aggressively attack him and strike him in the face. He told the jury that he felt in fear of his life, the witnesses concurred, so the jury deemed it a righteous self-defense.  No crime. During the trial, your wife testified, there were no witnesses, and even if there There was no laws broken. Since the trial took a while, Your wife and the guy that shot you in the head got to know each other and he is now having sex with your wife right in your bed.

I think my point is if it's not worth killing for, dying for, or going to prison for, it is not worth fighting for.


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