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Karma And Martial Arts

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

 First of all, what is karma it's some eastern philosophy that has to do with Zen Buddhism? What does it mean? Exactly, and what does it have to do with martial arts.?  First of all, I think it's all a matter of interpretation. I think when most people think of karma, they think of someone getting something they deserve. Like, if you see someone being mean to someone, then 10 seconds later, they trip and fall, people could say "that's karma".  Basically what the Hindu and Buddhist religions uses karma like the Christian religion uses heaven or hell. They say if you are not a good person in this life, when you die, you'll pay for it in your next life. What does this have to do with martial arts? 


When most of us, Americans use the word karma, we mean it, as a way to get out of defending yourself from someone who has done you wrong, and not necessarily physically.  For instance, if a girl cheats on her boyfriend, then, in her next relationship, she gets cheated on, her former boyfriend will be kind of happy when he's saying that was karma. When I'm using karma in this context, I'm talking about physically. If someone hurts myself or my family, I am not gonna replace defending them, with a passive aggressive, non-defending attitude of "they'll get theirs later" in other words, if somebody is trying to attack myself for my family, I'm not going to be passive and use karma as my payback protector, I am going to be proactive, and I will be the karma myself. That's the way I feel a martial artist should be responsible for their karma ourselves.  For the religious punishment for being bad, for Christians, it's going to hell, and with Hindu and Buddhist it's delayed until your next life and that's gonna be shitty because you were bad in your previous life. If someone's attacking us, we have to punish them in real-time. Immediately. We have to be there terrible afterlife in this life. If someone attacks ourself or our loved ones, we can't wait until they punished by God by sending them to hell, we have to be there hell.


Just like when beta men are being attacked, or their family is being attacked, they fall into the same category as the religions, because they'll call 911 and expect them to make the bad violent man pay for his sins. They think the cops, who they have been badmouthing, and putting down for years, Should show up out of nowhere, instantly, and protect their loved ones because they're incapable, mentally or physically. They want the police to be their karma, we martial artists are the bad guys’, karma, hell, punishment. That is our job as martial artists and we've accepted that role that has been bestowed upon us for whatever reason. And when I'm saying this, I'm not talking about after the fact, or later on, I'm talking about stopping the threat, ending the attack, not revenging it later on. I'm not saying that's good or bad, that's a personal moral judgment. I will not judge that, Because it wasn't my self, or my loved one that was physically and brutally attacked, so I'm definitely not gonna judge someone who wanted to get a physical payback on the attacker of his family. I know legally, it's wrong, but I'm not judging it morally or ethically. 


So with that said, to summarize this. I believe Us, martial artist, or the alphas have accepted the role of protector. And if somebody tries to attack us, or our family, we will replace karma, or hell for punishing the evil attacker, we will gladly take that role and be his instant karma.


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