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legality versus reality of self-defense

Uncategorized May 16, 2023

The legality and the reality of self-defense

The legality of self-defense is multifaceted, subjective, transient, and often times complicated and unfair.

The reality of self-defense on the other hand is simple, permanent, and very fair. Let's start with the unfairness of the legality, and the fairness of the reality. An eye for an eye, tit for tat, give-and-take, you scratch my back I'll scratch yours I think if you ask any person with a higher than a 88 IQ, they would agree that every human on this planet has the right, and it is fair that a person should be able to defend himself and his family. If there are many cases where people are trying to defend themselves and their family, yeah, they get in trouble, and maybe even get incarcerated. That's the unfair legality of self-defense.
While the legality of your self-defense might end up being very unfair, the reality of it is very fair. I'm always going to assume that you're self-defense was successful, so you stop the attack. Whatever happened to your attacker is irrelevant if you did stop the attack so the legality might have been unfair, but the reality, chances are you gonna go home to your family, so that does sounds fair to me.
I may sound overly pragmatic and even overly simplistic, but I'm considering these self-defense situation's to be life or death, it doesn't get much more pragmatic than that.
Now let's talk about how multifaceted the legality of self-defense is. Just the weapon you used to defend your life will be taken on so many different levels. If it was a knife, it depends on how many inches the knife you use to defend your life. If you had trained in martial arts, versus you never trained, that's taken on different levels as well when the jury deliberate's. The political climate of where you are in court is a huge determining factor. I can talk about multi faceted, if you get exonerated proven, completely, not guilty, You feel like you're on top of the world and you've been vindicated, don't celebrate too quickly brother, you could lose everything in civil court. Even if you were found 100% innocent of any wrongdoing in criminal court. And as complicated as the legality sounds, the reality is very simple, you're still alive and you can make that money back.
I think you guys all get what I'm saying. I think my point is pretty clear. After defending yourself successfully, you might go to court, that could be very complicated and multifaceted. Like I said, earlier, you might be found completely innocent, but you still might lose everything you own in civil court. I think we'll all agree every time you defend yourself, if you ever really have to you risk, losing your freedom or all of your possessions, but if you don't, you could end up dead and then everything else is a moot point. My point here is you want to try to do things right to mitigate what you may lose in court, but that should never override defending yourself with everything you have, because the outcome could be much worse, you could not successfully defend your life or your families. And that should always be first, and it should never enter your mind once a self-defense scenario starts.
Thank you guys for reading this, and I hope you all stay safe.





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