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Who Will Never Get Bullied, And Who Will Always Get Bullied

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2024

 It seems like nowadays everyone's a victim, poor Me, I'm too skinny. I always get bullied, poor me, I'm too fat. Poor me I'm too white. I always get bullied. Poor me I'm too black, I always get bullied. It's even getting to the point where you a boy wants to dress up like a girl, so he does, but then when he does, he complains about being bullied. It seems like nowadays, people mistake, sympathy for respect. They want to be respected because for whatever reason they're being bullied. Asians get bullied because they're too smart, special ed students get bullied because they're not smart enough, the list goes on. It doesn't matter which side of the spectrum you're on, either way you're gonna get bullied and need some sympathy out there. I'm too rich, poor me. I'm too poor. How about this, I'll go out and limb here and say that there's only one group of people who will always get bullied, and I'll tell you another group of people who will never get bullied.


Being bullied or not has nothing to do with the above-mentioned subgroups. If you're black and you can fight like Mike Tyson, your skin color is a relevant now. If you're fat, and you can fight like Roy Nelson, your huge belly is irrelevant. If you're a, cross-dressing drag queen but you can fight like Prince Hanalei, you will never be bullied. And on the other side of that coin, if you are not confident, not brave, and not skilled in any type of fighting art you, my friend are a beta male, and you can expect to be bullied all the time, by everyone. I am not in anyway shape or form condoning that or saying it's right in anyway, but it is the truth. I don't think it's fair that I wanted to be a boxer so my nose got broken about eight times and I can't breathe out of my nostrils anymore, but guess what I kind of asked for it.  Fair or not it's a simple equation, if you train, you will get more confident, when you get more confidence you get more courage, confidence plus bravery plus skill equals bulletproof.


Mike Tyson is still black, even though he's a scary knockout artist. Roy Nelson is still obese, but he hits his heart as a truck, and Prince Hanalei is gay as he can be, and he dresses like a woman and dances on a stage, no one will ever bully him. The point I'm trying to make is it doesn't really matter about your gender, color, size, sex.  If you have CBS (confidence, bravery skill), you will not get bullied. But if you don't chances, are you will.  And obese, beta male who has no training, confidence or bravery will get bullied, while Roy Nelson won't, that proves that the reason people get bullied is not because of their size or color or sexual orientation or any of that, it only means that they are lacking CBS.


I can prove my point even more, I was picked on up to about age 12 because I was white growing up in Hawaii. I was also cowardly I lack confidence, and I had no martial skills. Yet after training for two or three years at a highly effective and efficient martial arts school, I was never bullied again after that. I was still the same shade of white, so that proves that I wasn't bullied because I was white, I still am, but never bullied again because I got CBS. 


This might be a little controversial, if it is, I'd be willing to debate anybody on this topic, I'm easy to contact. The message is so simple, if you have CBS, you will not ever get bullied no matter what other condition you have, whether it's your race, size, Region, sexual orientation, it doesn't matter you get bullied so on lacking CBS. CBS is the X Factor and if you're gonna be a bully target or not. Nothing else.


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