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Your Optimal Training Schedule

Uncategorized Nov 20, 2023

 His size, his weight, his power, his strength, his cardio, his weaponry, his martial arts training, the ground, the weather, multiple attackers, his clothing, a lot of room, phone booth, room, etc.  There are so many things you have absolutely no control of in a street attack. It's not fair, it doesn't make sense, but that's the way it is. Knowing and accepting that it's that way, and it is not fair, So trying your best to mitigate the unfairness and discrepancies, and accepting that life is not fair, but you want to try your best to try to get the odds leaning to your favor just a little, Because it is survival of the fittest, welcome to the jungle.

What is the best way to lean the odds a little more in our favor, make us one of the "fittest" so we can have more survival, what can we do to shift the natural selection, so it'll select us. What is the best way to try to shift the odds, or even get on our side? Pray more, chant, positive thinking, crystals, a mantra, affirmations? You could try any or all of those things, or you could try voodoo, which graph, and acupuncture as well, but I think it will be all equally ineffective when attempting to successfully defend your life against a vicious, brutal, physical attack. I don't think doing affirmations, crystals, or mantras will help you at all. The second somebody's fist comes crashing to your chin, I don't even think voodoo will help at this point.


He might be the biggest, strongest guy in town, and he might be caring, a knife, and a gun, and he might have 10 friends with him, he never know, and you have no control whatsoever over any of those situations. The only thing you have any control over is how you will be able to react, respond. No matter how much voodoo or praying you do, we still have no control over almost all of the factors involved in a street attack.  You might have rubber slippers on and the fight might be on asphalt. Sorry, that was a bad example. You have a lot of control about what you wear when you go outside. And even though slippers are much more comfortable, they are not as efficient if you get into a street altercation. If the fight goes from stand up to the ground and back up, etc., the chances of you cutting your feet. I know this, and every time I get dressed to go out that is part of my decision-making. But with that said, the size or strength of your attacker has nothing to do with you or your choices, and is completely out of your control. 


Why you don't have control over most of those situations you have almost complete control over how prepared you will be for a street attack. And when I say prepared, a lot of that means deciding on your attire, and what will be most effective, if you are jumped, but for the most part, being prepared for a street attack means things you have done previously to the night of the attack.  Many people train in martial arts to be prepared for a street attack. Some people go to the range and shoot their gun in case they ever get attacked. They want to be prepared as well. Some people lift weights so they'll be stronger in case they are attacked. Some people do a number of things, including, but not limited to practicing unarmed self-defense/martial arts, training with a gun, training with a knife, training, their strength and cardio. The people that put those things together will definitely be the most prepared. In fact, you could take it to the extreme, train like a Navy seal, army, ranger, special forces operator. Or you could take your training down just a notch and Train, like a UFC champion. If you picked either of those two options, I feel like you would be Very prepared to defend yourself in a street attack, but is that really reasonable? Do you think there are people out there that can train 8 to 12 hours every day like a high-level special operator in the US military or do you think it is really feasible to think that a hard-working family man With a 9 to 5, could actually dedicate the same training, intensity, or time investment. Probably not in either case, but so does that mean they don't have a chance to defend themselves? Should they just not train at all eat junk food and don't get any exercise? Like all things, these days, your level, and length and intensity of training is on a spectrum. You can train like a special forces operator at one side of the extreme side of the spectrum, or you could not train at all at the other end of the spectrum. 


While it's pretty obvious that one side of the spectrum is too extreme for the average family man, and I'm the other side of that spectrum, they will become soft, weak, and unable to defend even themselves much less their family, so it is probably a better choice to be somewhere in the middle. Where in the middle you end up, is up to you, but let's go over some examples that you could make work. 


It is all relative, And there are thousands of factors, but all things being equal, I think training for an hour five times a week is the most optimal schedule that an average 40 hours a week working man could have. I feel like much more than that, unless they are training for high-level competition, such as the UFC, you would be overtraining if you trained much more than that. 


I think, the five hour a week plan would include three days of high intensity, interval, training, such as sprinting, Burpee, eight counts and other exercise and drills that get your heart rate up to the 95 percentile. 


I also think there should be two days a week Where you are doing aerobic workouts where you get your heart rate up about 75% of its max. That would include hiking, jogging, walking, bag, hitting, or anything else that gets your heart rate up a little, but you're still able to talk while you're working out.


Now you've done three days of high intensity, interval, training, they get your anaerobic, metabolism, working, and two days a week where you have aerobic workout where you are working, your aerobic metabolism, I think two of your days should be completely without raising your heart rate, basically two days of rest and recovery.


To go along with that schedule, on your anaerobic days, and your aerobic days, this should be between 20 and 30 minutes of skill, learning, drilling, and some sparring. This includes hitting the bag, kicking shields, punching, paddles, and mints, and drilling and sparring with a partner.


With my five hour a week plan, you have two days that you don't have to train, those could be the days where you work on some of the equalizers you might want to train with. Maybe you could spend a few hours working at the range practicing your gun work. Maybe you could practice some techniques or drills with a knife. If you think about it, you're only spending five or six hours a week, and you're getting a full weeks worth of valuable training to not only become more proficient with your weapon, but be stronger and a better cardio machine. there's definitely no downside to the schedule. If you honestly think that you don't have time for a five or even six hour week of training, please don't forget the average American male watches about 25 hours a week watching TV. And the average American woman spends about five hours a week putting on make up. You all have time to train, you just have to make your priority.


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