It seems like nowadays everyone's a victim, poor Me, I'm too skinny. I always get bullied, poor me, I'm too fat. Poor me I'm too white. I...
During any fight, you see, whether it be a street fight, a boxing match, a kickboxing match, or a MMA match. They are always full of lessons...
First of all, what is karma it's some eastern philosophy that has to do with Zen Buddhism? What does it mean? Exactly, and what does it have...
Let me start by saying I think to say that you should avoid a violent encounter is 100% correct, 100% of the time. I also believe avoiding a...
Anaerobic versus aerobic, sprint versus jog, without oxygen versus with oxygen, lactic acid versus carbon dioxide. During the cardio craze,...
Have you ever been training on your stationary bike and your peddling so hard and you're doing such a great job you close your eyes and you...
There were all kinds of different training regimens, schedules, formats, etc. But most effective training schedules involve very hard work, rest...
It seems like a no-brainer, of course you'd wanna have twice as many weapons, twice as many opportunities to attack, twice as many different...
There are two extreme teachings in the self-defense world. Some are extreme on waiting until you are punched, kicked, or choked before you...
Should you punch someone in the face if they shove you? Should you choke someone unconscious if they grab your wrist? If someone tries to punch you...
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